Monday, June 12, 2006

looking for tinkerbell

When I took Russian Fairy Tales my sophomore year, I took it under theimpression that no matter how fun or interesting it would be, it wouldnever be of any use in my life, in any way at all (except for thebrownie recipe the professor shared with us). However, during ourstay in Moscow, I was proved wrong. During our trip to the Kremlin,we toured a few of the cathedrals - the insides walls of which werecovered with Russian icons, something we had learned about in RussianFairy Tales. As if the Kremlin itself wasn't cool enough, I was ableto appreciate the artwork on a slightly higher level.Several days later we were taken to the tail end of a Russian Orthodox service/mass. These are quite different from Western Christian andCatholic services in a few ways. First, mass is three and a halfhours long (hence we only went to the last hour) and second, there areno pews - everyone stands. I'm normally not enthralled by churchservices, and it didn't help that the service was all in Russian(surprise!) and we were unable to even follow along. So between thegorgeous yet sporadic choir music to hold my interest, I spent therest of the time trying to pick out things that Dr. Di had taught usabout Russian iconography, which was way more fun than staring at thefloorboards :P


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